
Prodigy Technology - A great company that creates software that learns how you learn and then adapts to help you learn even better! These guys wanted a new look and wanted their site to be backward compatible for older browsers. This was accomplished using both stylesheets and tables combined. A sleek, up-to-date look was also implemented using javascript rollover buttons and a 3d style for the content windows.
- visit Prodigy Technology - |
North King Animal Clinic- Located in the Pioneer Valley, Northampton, Mass. This is the place I take my dog for all his doggy needs. They are a great business and have great people working for them. They truly care about all of their customers whether they are human or animal.
I chose to keep the style of their website simple yet cute.
- visit North King Animal Clinic website - |
Blank Instructor- These guys are snowboarders who wanted to create a community and database so people who want lessons from private instructors can find the instructor that best fits their needs.They also have plans to expand their instructor database to many other sports and recreation activities. I created their corporate identity which included their website, stickers, postcards, and business cards.
Their website back end consists of a CMS, search options, newsletter, forum, login and join options, and rotating banner ads.
- visit Blank Instructor - |
Consumers For Peace- Headed by Nick Mottern, the Consumers For Peace website is a great resource for the everyday citizen to get more information on how ExxonMobil and other large corporations are destroying civilization as we know it.
This site was designed entirely in CSS and the layout was to be simple and clean.
- visit ConsumersForPeace.org - |
Pauline Fogel Real Estate- Pauline is a local in the Pioneer Valley where she's been buying and selling homes and real estate for over 25 years. She wanted a cool, easy to read, and easy to navigate website that she could update herself. We chose to install a CMS ( Content Management System ) so she can edit her site from anywhere and add and remove listings as often as she needs to.
- visit Pauline Fogel Real Estate - |
Easier Chair- A chair developed by Sonya Funk. Designed for the handicapped as an easier way to get in and out of a larger, reclining chair by using a swivel arm. Sonya wanted a site that was easy to read and navigate as a good deal of her clientele will be handicapped.
I also designed her business cards which involve a photo of a bear. In her area she is known for having wild bear roaming around in her yard.
- visit the Easier Chair site - |
Cleverwares- Cleverwares wanted a slight redesign to their old site. Using an existing logo I changed the color scheme and menu layout to incoroporate their existing content and shopping cart system. The new design makes room for more content at the top of the page. Having good, relevant content "above the fold" is key to generating sales.
- visit the Cleverwares site - |
Shakura World Theatre- Shakura World Theatre wanted an artistic and easy to navigate web site that would portray their own art; The Art of the Theatre. This site consists of vibrant images and multimedia to share its message.
- visit the site - |
The Web Connection-Beijing - TWC asked me to re-create their powerpoint presentation into a fully animated and interactive Flash® movie that would be used both online and on cd. The file here is a sample of the entire working project.
- visit the flash sample - |
State Secrets RPG - Arcana Imperii's new Role Playing Game titled "State Secrets" needed a "game style" web site to promote their new release. I used a "government" color scheme for the overall design and personally colored over 90% of the original drawings for use on the site. The site offers a shopping cart page, a forum, downloadable scenarios, and more.
I also created 2 different sized banner ads with the same look and feel as the website for their marketing campaign.
- visit the site -
- see 468x60 banner -
- see 728x90 banner - |
3Prong Studios - This is a concept home page for 3ProngStudios.com.
- see the sample - |